Tera travel journal reaper
Tera travel journal reaper

  • For Want of a Nail: Ochette's choice at the beginning of her story determines which of them becomes her final boss.
  • Cute Owl: Mahina, if she's taken as Ochette's companion.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: They tend to rein in Ochette when she loses focus (usually over food) and are a touch more responsible than her.
  • tera travel journal reaper

    Climax Boss: The one that was not chosen becomes the final boss of Ochette's story.Akalā can hit a random physical weak point, while Mahina can hit a random magical weak point. Attack Its Weak Point: Their abilities when Ochette summons them to the battlefield.This can be repeated afterwards if the player max-Boosts their summon. 11th-Hour Superpower: During the fight against the Darkling, whichever partner Ochette chose is empowered by the Sacred Flame, and gains special attacks and a giant detailed sprite.She befriends one as a child, after which the other runs away. Ochette's possible hunting companions - Akalā is a lājackal and Mahina is a malamaowl. Voiced by: Ryo Sugisaki (Akalā Japanese), Daman Mills (Akalā English), Marie Miyake (Mahina Japanese) Cristina Valenzuela (Mahina, English) Talking Animal: He's a big talking white lion.Despite his racisim towards humans in general, if one is of good nature-like Partitio wanting to buy items from him-Juvah will recognize this and permit the transaction.He's the warden of the island who tries to keep peace and will throw himself into the battlefield if necessary.Then it turns out he just wanted to go to sleep. The scene after Ochette's final Chapter 1 boss fight plays out in the typical way that would lead to most mentors' deaths, complete with Juvah slowly lying down to close his eyes.

    tera travel journal reaper

  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Subverted.
  • tera travel journal reaper

    Justified since the humans are pretty racist against beastlings themselves, so he has no real reason to play nice. Fantastic Racism: He has a strong mistrust of humans, and is rather curt with the representatives from the human side of the village, as well as reluctant to go looking for a human child who wandered into some ruins.and then she hears him snoring and understands that he really did just need sleep. Given the injuries he sustained, Ochette believes he's dying. Exact Words: After the events of Ochette's first chapter, he says he's tired and needs to sleep.He is Ochette's mentor as a hunter, and watches over the beastlings of Toto'haha. Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya (Japanese), Jamieson Price (English)A white lion capable of human speech.

    Tera travel journal reaper